Buy Mondo® Grow Box Substrate kit
Buy Mondo® Grow Box Lay out all the materials you need on a disinfected work space Buy Mondo® Grow Box . You will need:
- Mondo®Grow Box substrate bag Buy Mondo® Grow Box
- Mushroom spore syringe or Liquid Culture with germinated mushroom spores,
- Inject the needle of the syringe into the port. Add 2-3 drops of mushroom spore solution in every corner of the substrate and in the middle of the mushroom substrate bag. Buy Mondo® Grow Box
- A lighter or spirit burner
- Alcohol preps Buy Mondo® Grow Box
- Disinfectant spray
Prepare your mushroom spore syringe with 5-10 ml of spore solution or use 25 ml of the Liquid Culture. This is enough spores to inoculate the Mondo® Grow Box substrate Buy Mondo® Grow Box .
- Locate the injection port on the substrate bag. Clean it with an alcohol prep.
- Now get your spore syringe or Liquid Culture syringe and heat the needle, red hot, with a lighter to make it sterile. Let the needle cool off for a few seconds Buy Mondo® Grow Box .
- Inject the needle of the syringe into the port. Add all of the mushroom spore solution in the substrate kit.
- Turn and Shake the kit 360 degrees in all directions , to spread the spore suspension.
- Store the kit in a dark place with a temperature between 23-27 degrees Celsius Buy Mondo® Grow Box .
After inoculation the mycelium will form and slowly grow over the substrate. This is the process of colonization.
To let the mycelium grow and colonize the substrate you must keep the Mondo® Grow Box in a dark space with a temperature between 23 -27 degrees Celsius.
After 3-5 days you will see the mycelium starting to grow from the spots were the spores were dropped. The mycelium looks like cotton and becomes more stringy while developing and colonizing the mushroom substrate.
It takes 2-4 weeks for the mycelium to colonize the substrate in the box. No empty spots of substrate should be left..
Wait an additional 5-7 days to make sure the inside of the substrate is colonized by the spores too. Now that mushrooms substrate is fully covered by the mycelium the kit is ready to be prepared for fruiting.
Growing mushrooms from the Mondo® Grow Box
When the substrate is fully colonized the fruiting process can be started. It is time to grow mushrooms!
First wash your hands and clean up the work area.
Now get the mushroom substrate box:
- Open the corner of the lid and fill the grow kit with cold tap water until it’s full.
- Close the lid and let is soak in a cold place for 9-12 hours. This can be done in the refrigerator
- After 9-12 hours drain all water out of the kit, by opening the lid a little and poor the water out.
- Add 150 ml of clean water to the grow bag (filter bag)
Put the prepared substrate in the fruiting bag. This bag forms your grow chamber.
- Mist the grow chamber to get the humidity up. Always spray against the sides of the fruiting bag, never on the substrate or mushrooms.
- Close the grow bag by holding the top a few times and fix it with a clip Buy Mondo® Grow Box .
Pick a warm and bright spot for the kit. Do not put the grow kit in direct sunlight. Optimal temperature is 23 -27 degrees Celsius. Keep the fruiting chamber moist, by spraying water every 2 (two) days.
The first pins, micro mushrooms, can appear within several days and up to two weeks. Refresh the air 1-3 times a day by opening the grow bag, letting C02 out , and closing the bag with lots of fresh air inside.
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