San Pedro Cactus Care and Cultural Requirements
The San Pedro cactus is a fast-growing, multi-stemmed plant or small tree growing to measure approximately 5.9’ feet wide and up to 19.7’ feet tall Echinopsis pachanoi cactus .
Individual stems range from 2.4″ to 5.9” inches thick and may have between 4 and 8 ribs each. Spines are light brown or dark yellow.
Given the right amount of moisture, sun, and soil Echinopsis pachanoi cactus , these cacti can grow up to 1’ foot per year.
The stems range from pale green to blue-green, dark green with age with upward facing areoles.
Echinopsis pachanoi cactus Flowering and Fragrance
San Pedro buds are pointed and produce a fluted whitish flower in July.
They are night blooming and remain open, with the fragrant flowers measuring approximately 8.7” inches in diameter.
Black or brown hairs and scales cover the fruit, which measures 1.9″ to 2.4” inches long and 1.2″ inches in diameter.
Light & Temperature
San Pedro thrives in direct sun after the first year, although seedlings may suffer sunburn in direct sunlight. In general, Trichocereus pachanoi grows well in light shade during hot summers.
Be sure to gradually introduce a plant overwintered indoors to direct light, as they may get sunburned if transferred directly.
If grown indoors Echinopsis pachanoi cactus , plants will need additional lighting from grow lights.
A healthy San Pedro can withstand temperatures are low as 50° degrees Fahrenheit (10° C) with the occasional brief dip as low as 15.8° degrees Fahrenheit (-9° C).
This resistance to cold may be bolstered through Valerian flower extract Echinopsis pachanoi cactus .
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