Successful experience by grafting multiple pereskiopsis with mature peyote cactus as scion

Today I want to share some grafting experiment done using 4 pereskiopsis with impalement method to lophophora Williamsii variety Huizache 6 years old used as scion.

I call it Frankenstein crafting style made by Jason De Angelis !
You can see the results at the end of the slide, some little heads poping up and ribs already forming.
You can easily do it at home, it is not that difficult and the lophophora will significantly grow faster. It is really worth it.
We have pereskiopsis stock available, peyote plants and the method to graft them successful explained here:

I will explain you here a bit of my impalement method: 

1: I join the 4 pereskiopsis together and block them with some attach to block them. 

2: I slice the top of it to make it looks like spike 

3: I cut in the middle of the scion (at this time the scion was just 3 cm diameters)

4: impale the scion on the pereskiopsis spike.

5: Then directly block it to go off with plastic zip and then close it on the 2 sides until it is all blocked.

6: All these steps done need to wait at least 7 days for the scion the heal on the pereskiopsis. The cut part of the pereskiopsis on the top will start to inflate then block the scion.

There is my result after 4 month:

Plus some head pup hop:

You will ask me: and what about the root ?

Yes I didn’t throw it and decide to put back in the soil and wait. This is the result after one month:

So be patient nature will maybe give you all the loves back!

Note that I was very lucky one it. From what I see it has 80% of chance that the roots won’t pup up any head and all and die after few weeks and I advice you to craft it the roots(yes it is possible).

I fail a lot to try on pereskiopsis so my advice of craft stock will be more like Myrtillocactus geometrizans and other with the same shape. I have some stock available for it if you need you can contact us here:

Now you know everything about implement method. You can have your own solution or experience because this is just an example to show you but of course all scion or craft can react differently. Just let us know result and share with us your experience. It is always nice to see other performance 😉

Let me give you some recent update about the craft. After  6 month it already gave  me a lot of bloom and fruits. Can consider my experience fully successful and it make me really proud !

peyote crafte in bloom                                                                                      peyote crafted with fruits

Peyote cactus event in Thailand. Astrophytum, lophophora, ariocarpus and many more.

A few shots of the day we spent on June 9th at the “cactus and succulent fair event”. Peyote cactus were present here and also a huge number of beautiful specimen from other species as well, so we had to go there and have a look and say hello to some friends there. We couldn’t have our stand here that day, too busy lately we missed the opportunity. We had a wonderful day with all the friendly sellers, we had a really good time  with some old friends and also met other new fantastic people there. Beautiful plants everywhere, ariocarpus, lophophora williamsii, lophophora diffusa, astrophytum, succulents and many more. I was willing to add a lot of them to our own farm, but lack of space was the main things that refrained us. Just another little damper to buy more lophophoras is that they don’t label the lophophoras varieties as we do in our website, unfortunately we can’t know exactly the real name and locality of the cactus here, if the lophophoras are texensis, huizache, decipiens or whatever is a mystery. Not such a big problem there are still such lovely plant and specimen to own.